Saturday, August 31, 2013

How I Almost Ended Up Being A Prostitute - Mercy Johnson Confesses

Mercy Johnson Okojie turned 29 years on the 28th of August 2013 and here is a message from the mother of one to her fans...

 Today, I thought of many things I would love to have as birthday gifts and the many dreams I am still pursuing. In all of this I'm not losing sight of the fact that if not for God I might have ended up on the street like the many kids and young adults begging for food and some prostituting to make ends meet. If we know the circumstances that force some of these people on the street, we would spare a thought for them. I am where I am today purely by the grace of God and the grace of people who believed in me from the word go.

Recently, I was at the Boys Reform Home, Oregun, Lagos, the discussion I had with the principal Mr. Kotun and much later with the Special Adviser in charge of allremand homes in Lagos set me thinking about the boys and girls on the street.
They have dreams too. Can they fulfill those dreams on the street? The answer will likely be no; because I won't be where I am today if I ended up on the street. For this reason, Mercy Johnson Foundation will be doing a lot to get kids off the street. We are not asking people for money or donation, I will do all I can with the resources God has given me, and with the support of my husband to help get these kids off the street and set them on the path where they can begin to pursue their dreams. I want to plead with people, fans, friends and colleagues to spare a thought for the children on the street.

Thank you and God bless you. Mercy Johnson Okojie - Read more here

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