Thursday, April 25, 2013

7 ways to save more money TODAY


 1. Health Insurance If you provide health insurance to your employees make sure to shop around for new coverage every so often. Traditionally if you were willing to change insurers you could reduce costs for similar plans. In fact, I have even heard stories that some insurers would reduce an employer’s rates for simply threatening to shop for another policy. Of note, this year with the new health care reforms around the corner it has been more difficult than ever to use this tactic as insurers are bracing for a somewhat unknown future and uncertain costs and revenue forecasts themselves. Nevertheless, our company is poised to save 15 percent or more this year on our healthcare expenses by changing carriers earlier this month.

 2. Credit Card Processing Fees Any business that accepts credit cards must ask for an annual reduction in fees or, at a minimum, speak with your representative from your processing company to find out how to achieve the cheapest rates. At our company we have the ability to process credit card transactions through two separate credit card processing companies at all times. In part this is done for security in case one of the two ever experiences technical difficulties. But this also allows us to play one off another for rate reductions knowing that we can stop processing through that company at any time on a moment’s notice. Irrespective of the power of having two, it is also always advisable to speak with your processor and inquire how to receive the lowest rates. They are typically full of advice on this subject as to how to get the lowest rates (e.g., always use the CVG code).

 3. Mortgage If you own your own business and it, in turn, owns its work space (e.g., office building, condo, etc.) it is time to refinance. Mortgage rates are at all-time lows. Now is the time to lock in a super low rate and save money today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your mortgage’s life.

 4. Kill Recurring Payments Every so often you must check your credit card statement to see whether you are being billed for any moot or discontinued recurring payments. Vigilant businesses will do this every month. But, at a minimum, all businesses must review their statements quarterly hunting for stale payments that should be discontinued. For instance, we recently discovered a double payment to the same provider occurring on a monthly basis. That was quickly remedied for a savings of $79.99 per month. Sure, that’s under $80 dollars. That’s almost $1,000 per year and, just think, if you find one of those per month, that’s a savings of $12,000 per year.

 5. Go Paperless Even the smallest of offices these days goes through at least a case of paper a month. A mid-sized office may go through 10 or more. And if you are a large office, well, let’s just say Dwight Schrute may have you on his Rolodex. But why do we need all of that paper? With today’s computer programs and electronic signature capabilities the world of what needs to be physically printed out has shrunk significantly. Add in more reliable computer systems with backup services such as MozyPro or Carbonite the need to print again has virtually vanished. So go paperless. Not only will you save the cost of paper but also the ink used to print it.

 6. Advertising How much are you spending on advertising? Do you pay for pay-per-click advertisements? Do you track your advertising expenditures to make sure your investments are paying off? Recently we realized that we were paying thousands of dollars per month for a certain pay-per-click program that was not generating any sales leads. The people using that search engine must, in large part, be the Internet’s modern day window shoppers. Clicking but not buying. As such, we shut down these ads to save a wasted expenditure. But saving on advertising is not limited pay-per-click campaigns, you must evaluate all advertising expenditures to make sure they are worth the dollars invested. Sure, branding people will yell and scream at me that advertising has two functions: (1) immediate inbound sales leads and (2) long-term brand recognition. The latter must always be taken into account. But, in my opinion, long-term branding must always bow to short-term profitability. So audit your advertising expenditures on a regular basis to cut costs where non-profitable advertising exists.

 7. Shop for New Service Providers Over time a business acquires numerous service providers. From the Internet service provider that keeps you connected to the janitorial company that keeps the office clean. Often, however, we become complacent with our existing service providers and fail to notice that our original teaser rate they used to acquire our business has been slowly but steadily raised over the years. Don’t let this happen. There is almost always another service provider that can perform these services for you no matter what they are. So keep a list of your service Providers and their rates. Make a habit of routinely–perhaps two or three times per year–shopping for better rates. And politely let the existing providers know this is your policy so they will be more averse to raising rates on a customer they know will find someone else.

4 types of guys you don’t need in your life

You’ll meet many guys on your path to finding the one who’s right for you, but you should avoid a few types at all cost. They might start out as perfectly decent men while they’re trying to get your attention, but once they show their true colors, you may want to head for the hills. Here are a few of the worst offenders.

THE MOOCH This is the guy who never seems to go anywhere with his wallet after he takes you out once or twice. Whether you’re taking in a movie, going out for dinner or just grabbing a slice of pizza, he will always plead poor and ask you to pay. Paying for some things is OK, but if you’re with a guy who never has any money (or just has an aversion to spending his own), get out while you can — or at least before you go broke.

 THE LAZY SLOB This guy may charm you at first with his ambitions and list of projects that he plans, but that will get old fast once you notice that all he ever seems to do is play video games and order takeout. If he never has anything new to report in terms of job hunting or physical activity of any kind, and he always has stains on his clothing, move on or risk becoming his mother. The lazy slob has no motivation or intention of ever getting a real job.

 THE OVERACHIEVER The complete opposite to the lazy slob is the type A overachiever. While this guy looks great on paper (good job, six-figure income, sweet condo), he will never be around to hang out with you. When he is around, he will talk only about work. He’ll sweep you off your feet with expensive dinners and lavish gifts, but as soon as things get serious, he’ll go back to focusing solely on his career. Do you really want a guy who pays more attention to his stocks than to you? We didn’t think so.

 THE BIG KID Some guys never seem to grow up. As charming as they seem at first, dating someone who is immature can be frustrating. All he wants to do is have fun, which is great (he’s adventurous and has great date ideas), but when you settle down and move in together, he’ll never want to talk about “boring” things like finances, rent and chores. If you’re looking for long-term love, the big kid is not your go-to guy.

8 signs that you’re a very, very bad roommate

Disagreements with the one you cohabitate with are inevitable. From your parents to your boyfriend, people won’t knock and your snacks will get eaten. Yet the college living situation always seems to be the most tumultuous, and so I have collected all my wisdom to show you the signs that you’re being a bad roommate. Yes, you. That wasn’t a typo.
Instead of blaming your roommate, look out for these signs in your self and you’ll be able to negate any sign of conflict. Because what’s a better way to learn than with examples of what-not-to-do?

 You Take Without Asking Nine times out of ten your roommate is happy to share with you because she wants to get along with you, too. Yes, shocking I know, not everyone is out to get you. But sharing stops being caring when you take without asking. So next time you raid her shoe closet, maybe ask for permission. Also pleases and thank yous are a big plus.

You Have No Respect For Their Schedule If your roommate has a final the next day, don’t pre-game in your dorm the night before. That’s just common decency. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. You’re A Messy Beast Always keep in mind that this isn’t just your space. You have to be extremely considerate of one another’s space because this is your home for the next nine months. If you’re not big on cleaning that’s fine but make sure all your things stay on your side of the room.

You’re Brie Van De Kamp For those of you who live under a rock and don’t watch Desperate Housewives; if you’re Brie Van De Kamp you’re a neurotic, anal-retentive clean freak. Everyone enjoys a clean space, but don’t push it onto your roommate.

You’re Doing It In Front Of Your Roommate Major rule in life: don’t have sex in front of people. Sex in front of your roommate isn’t classy, and is extremely inconsiderate. Get your roommates phone number and let her know if you have a gentlemen caller over. If the moral repercussions of having sex in front of your roommate aren’t enough, then the ones Tufts give should be.

You’re Dealing Drugs Out Of Your Dorm Making someone an accessory to your crime is pretty ghastly. So are dealing drugs.

 You’ve Posioned Your Roommate This one should be pretty obvious but for all the sociopaths out there, if you’re poisoning your roommate then you’re a really bad roommate. Yes she slept with your boyfriend, and yes she stole your mac n cheese, but poisoning someone is a felony. You’ve Stabbed Your Roommate If #2 wasn’t obvious enough, then this should make up for that. Being violent towards the person you live with isn’t cool no matter what: whether it’s a hair pull or a fatal knife wound because she stole your iPod. Just hug it out.

6 Kinds Of Women You Should Avoid


 Relationships are good. The various Holy books recommend marriage, and most men want to settle down with someone good. However, if you are a woman and unable to find a man who consistently enjoys your company, then there’s a problem.

 I’ve tried to categorize some character traits commonly found in women which tend to keep the prospective men at bay. If you fall into one or two of these categories, sister, it just might be time to make a change.

 Being judgemental and generalizing: A few bad experiences don’t mean all men are the same. It shocks me to hear women say all men are the same. Making such an assertion is not only wrong, it affects your judgement of men and consequently affects how you relate to them. A woman who generalizes is usually quick to read the wrong meanings into men’s actions, and usually reacts irrationally before even considering their actions. No man will stick around too long if he’s always feeling attacked and misunderstood.

 Easy catch: I can bet that a man will avoid you if he knows you’ve slept with every available man on your street or a sizeable number of men in your school. No man wants to settle for the chaff when the substance has been lost. However, if he isn’t aware, you may wish to keep the details to yourself and not flaunt it. It makes a man insecure to know that he is dating an ‘easy catch’ and might send him on his merry way sooner than either of you thought.

 Fault finder: This type of woman doesn’t see the good in anything or anyone. She hardly ever appreciates anything. She complains about things she can either cope with or change. No man needs a woman breathing down his neck about every single thing, every single time. It’s either the movie is wrong, or the food isn’t nice, or he snores, or…the list is endless. Bottom line, the man will soon go where he’ll be appreciated.

 Clinger: Being over-possessive isn’t cute. Learn to give him a break. Men like to have their solo time, hang out with friends and do ‘manly’ things. Your following him around and keeping tabs on him won’t stop him from having an affair if he wants to; you might even be giving him good reasons to do it. Don’t make yourself his clutch bag. The more you insist on tagging along, the more likely it is that you’ll be tagged out.

 Prim and Proper: One thing this group fails to realize is that boys will always be boys. When a woman keeps a particular thing at a particular spot and gets upset when it is moved, that is a big issue with men who are often less rigid. No man wants to be around a woman who sweeps the floor every second or has a particular space for a particular cup or spoon or a particular hanger for a particular dress. Let go; live a little!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Frustration Almost Forced Me Out Of Acting-Grace Amah

Grace Amah is one Nollywood actress that has come a long way in the motion pictures industry in Nigeria. She is also regarded as one of the few actresses that have lived a less scandal-free life in an industry mostly regarded by some as ‘dirty.’

For some time now, she been in oblivion with her beautiful face not adoring the movie jackets like she did for many years. Many wondered why she became a scarce commodity in their silver screens. While some speculated that Amah might have gone underground because of her child, which she bore out of wedlock, others believed her marital error shouldn’t have caused her absence in films. But just recently, we caught up with the beautiful screen diva at an event in Lagos.

While speaking to us, Amah revealed what she has been doing for some time now. According to her, “the latest about me is that I am back in the (movie) industry.” Speaking further, the mother of one said, “motherhood kept me away from acting.” She, however, noted that, “there were times things didn’t really flow well with me in the industry, roles were not coming in as I expected. I felt a bit down about it, so I had to leave.”

Culled from

9 Reasons Why Some Nigerian Ladies End Up Single For Life

1.Many African ladies will end up singles for life because of media exposure – it is so disheartening how a lady will glue her eyes on a mobile phone from morning to night, only to raise it up to focus on television to watch another celebrity entertainment channel. Tell, what else will dominate this lady’s mindset aside how to live a fake celebrity life being promoted on television channels?

 2. Many African ladies now dislike cooking and home chores just because they had been totally brainwashed by movies showcasing men playing the role of women in a family, and due to excessive exposure to modern media that promotes gender-equality in a destructive way that’s aimed at destroying the unique African family setting that made our previous African marriages everlasting and envious to the westerns. Now, with this attitude, how do you expect a African man to desire to marry when he knows he is only buying more headache and trouble than helper for himself?

3. Excessive makeup turns most decent and serious-minded men off- if you have observed, you will discover that most men dislike excessive makeup, and more don’t even like it at all; reason they often times discourage their true loved ones to do away with it cos it speaks ill of a lady even though so many men will applaud and complement you for looking like an Egyptian mummy. A slight makeup is okay; but if you are out for marriage, try always to look simple and natural, it will attract better men, decent and serious-minded, except you are still living in your high school life and not thinking towards marriage.

 4. Stop Giving Your Number Out To Every Joystick & Harry! No man would want to propose marriage to a lady whose phone is always talking and laughing with unserious calls. You may not be a playgirl, but he would judge you as one, and will likely flee at the slightest chance or disagreement.

 5. You Don’t Bring Any Value Into The Life Of Men You Date or Are Dating- because your best friend married without contributing anything to the man that finally married her, doesn’t mean it will work for you that way. Think, work towards equipping yourself so that you can be a value and also add value to his life to convince him that you are worth committing to. Adding value to his life isn’t by giving him money, or material gifts, nope….good counsels, being his best friend, helping him attain his goals in life, lending him moral, mental and spiritual support, and by not just being a liability that only bring requests and problems to be solved.

 6. Your Friends Run Your Life- how do you expect to find a husband when you still allow your clique of friends to be dictating which man you meet is worthy of your love and which is not? When will you wake up and face the fact that those your best friends even though they cherish you, wouldn’t want you to marry before them or to marry the best man?

7. You Give Everything Out During Dating- As a single lady who has not been taken to the altar, you need to reserve some things for your husband to be, especially your body, respect it and preserve it at all cost. In the past, men rushed to marry to get certain things or privileges they had been constantly denied while being single. Such privileges include and not limited to: constant s*x and companionship, good food and tidied home, etc. But today, a single man gets even the best and of course more of constant s*x, good food and excellent home-keeping more than his married counterparts, so tell me how the hell you want him to desire to marry you when you have given him virtually everything he desires from a wife while being his girlfriend? And the most painful part of it all is that he knows that you are prepared to cut down on s*x supply, cooking, home-keeping, etc once he marries you, so why would he not want you to remain his girlfriend for life?

 8. You Package Yourself Wrongly- in your attempt to look sexy, adorable and maybe appealing to guys, you have derailed from appealing to appalling. In fact you look more whorish than modest; more distractive than attractive, and more disgusting than adorable. Your dressing style determines who gets attracted to you most times. If you dress high school, only high school-thinking guys will be attracted to you, and if you dress excessively sexy and provocative, only randy men will come to you for urgent satisfaction of their immediate s*x urge, so don’t be fooled by media hyping of certain kinds of dressing, they are meant for certain set of ladies you wouldn’t like to be associated with, be careful. Remember, not all clothes that look sexy are good for a seriously searching for a soul mate single lady.

 9. You Lack Manner, Character, Wisdom and Good Home Upbringing- definitely, your ‘hot girl’, ‘pretty girl’, ‘sexy girl’ looks will win you so many men; both the good, and the bad, but your inner beauty, your character and manner are the things that will determine whether any of those men would stay or run after accomplishing their evil missions. In order words, do away with nagging, being possessive, challenging with men in negative ways, the mentality of ‘what a man can do a woman can do better’, a lie devil has used to deceive and destroy so many ladies today, please do away with it.

4 Tips For Developing Your Personal Brand


  • Your personal brand (i.e. what you are recognized as being about) is your biggest asset, whether you’re an entrepreneur or a determined woman trying to scale the career ladder. It is not enough for young Nigerian career women to just be good at what they do or to be a great personality, effective reputation management is essential to make it in the big time and avoid any damaging slurs and assumptions about how you got there.

    So how do we do this? Understand & Live the Brand International makeup megastar Eryca Freemantle stresses the importance of developing your personal brand early and as soon as you can afford to, bringing in professionals to help you develop and project it. Ultimately the responsibility lies with the individual. However, “Eryca Freemantle is a global brand, makeup artist to celebrities and consultant to major mainstream makeup brands. A teacher and trainer to students from across the world. I had to learn very early on what a personal brand is and what it means. I would say ultimately that at all times you should reflect your brand. Seek 3 to 4 personal brand developers to advice you accordingly. Your reputation follows you. he best will only want the best.

     Be the champion to your brand and your purpose.” Be Consistent Ronke Ige, Founder of Emi & Ben skincare says the best piece of business advice she’s ever received is “To strive for consistency in everything from your brand’s “tone of voice” and personality to how your company goes about its daily business.” Consistency reinforces the core values that you stand for and creates an authentic message that reinforces people’s perceptions of your personal and professional integrity.

    Turn Beauty into a Business Asset Nigeria’s leading female entrepreneurs are often glamorous and stylish women as well is being incredibly intelligent, and business savvy; unfortunately there will always be poisonous people who’ll try and use this combination against them to damage their personal brand. The key is to challenge these assumptions and make your femininity an asset, not something to be circumnavigated or hidden. Nike Oshinowo is no stranger to controversial slurs about how her looks may have superseded her talents in achieving her incontrovertible successes as a female entrepreneur. The former beauty queen hit back at her critics with a frank interview in the April issue of TW Magazine and now leads a workshop on “Challenging perceptions to create profit – Translating your femininity, beauty and lifestyle into credible business ventures”.

    Always Deliver on Your Brand Promise Super successful business leader Chichi Nwoko, who brought Nigerian Idol to our shores, says “With regards to personal branding, it is the single most important thing one has to do as an entrepreneur. One should determine the specific thing(s) that one wants to be know for as one’s brand deliverable promise at any time. While there may be circumstances beyond one’s control to deliver promptly on one’s brand promise especially, given the structural hindrances which are often prevalent in such developing countries as Nigeria, it is nevertheless crucial that one should strive not to lower one’s standards and integrity.”

     Whatever you decide your personal brand is, it should be easily identifiable with the real you that your friends and family recognise. It’s a lot easier to create a consistent, authentic story when you’re projecting your best side as opposed to trying to be someone totally different.

    You can meet Nike Oshinowo, Chichi Nwoko, Eryca Freemantle, Ronke Ige and many more women like them who’ve successfully created powerful personal brands at the Women in West Africa Entrepreneurship conference taking place 20-22nd June, 2013 in the Eko Hotel and Wheatbaker Hotel in Lagos. For more information visit

    Sunday, April 21, 2013

    Tinted glass permit is free, don’t pay any one – IG of Police

    The Inspector General of Police (IG), Mr Mohammed Abubakar, has said. that obtaining permit for the use of vehicles with tinted glasses is absolutely free.

    Speaking on Friday at a meeting with Assistant Inspectors-General of Police in charge of the 12 zonal commands in Nigeria, Abubakar said the process of “obtaining tinted glass permit is free of charge, and there is no amount of money written there for anybody to pay.”
    According to him., “Motorists should not allow any policeman, anywhere to subject them to paying charges that are not officially, legally and legitimately stated.”

    The News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, reported that the clarification of the IG was against the backdrop of renewed clampdown on motorists driving vehicles with tinted glasses nationwide.
    Abubakar, however, said that those complaining about the clampdown were not sincere as they know that “by all standards they do not deserve to have tinted glass vehicles’’.

    He said that the police would enforce the ban as it was meant for the good of all Nigerians.
    The police boss said that to avoid abuse in the granting of the permit, the law only authorised the IG to issue it without delegating such power to commands commissioners of police.

    Only Sango, Ogun deities can stop politicians from being corrupt – Alex Akinyele


    At 75, why won’t I know? If I don’t know, then what have I done and how have I lived? You want to tell me I have not gone to a shrine before? I know all these things.

    Why am I all over the places? Do you think I closed my eyes to all these things? I don’t, or do you want me to tell you that I am Alex Akinyele who knows only one God, that I have never being to a shrine before?

    If you come to our area in Ondo State, there is what we call ‘Aiyelala.’ It is a terrible deity. If you swear there and you steal, you will become dead in no time.

     Let them all go there and swear. We need terrible things to turn us to the way of God. If you stole and you are taken to Oyo; to the shrine of ‘sango,’ and they perform their rituals on you, you will see the consequence immediately. We have all these powers but we don’t use them. That is the only way I think we can cleanse Nigeria. I say it and I mean it and I don’t care if anybody says I am not a Christian. 

     I am a true Christian, I believe in God but we have to call a spade a spade. These corrupt Nigerians don’t have sense of shame. Sometime ago, a thief was to leave the prison and then they rolled out the drums with ‘aso-ebi’ to receive him.

    Is that right? Also, when Alamieyeseigha returned from prison, there was a crowd-pulling service held for him and the Bishop that preached was lamenting. Where is our integrity and sense of honesty? These are the beginning and the end of our problems.

    Rita Dominic: Don’t Let Your Boyfriend Take Your Nudé Pictures

    Is it even right to have boyfriend or girlfriend in the first place?

    The rate at which séx tapes and nudé photos of young ladies are floating online in recent times is quite alarming, to say the least. Some ladies, out of stupidity, do all sorts with guys they call their boyfriend, forgetting that one hot slap from that guy can end the relationship.

    And once the fake relationship is over, the crazy guys post such nudé photos online…
    It is against this back drop that actress Rita Dominic took to social networking site, Twitter, to sound this note of warning: 
    “Dear young women of the world, no matter how in love you are. Please don’t let your boyfriend take nakéd photos of you. With wisdom.”
    But the question is, will the wild ladies we have around today listen?

    The Temple of Justice Has Been Desecrated, Says Amaechi


    Rivers State Governor, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Amaechi, has described the April 15 verdict delivered by Justice Ishaq Bello of the Abuja High Court declaring Mr. Felix Obuah and Mr. Ibibia Walter as duly elected chairman and secretary, respectively, of the state chapter of Peoples Democratic Party as a desecration of the temple of justice.

     This came as the Minister of State for Education, Chief Nyesom Wike, who is widely believed to be the sponsor of the court action, declared that he had no personal problems with Amaechi. And president of the Nigerian Labour Congress, Comrade Abdulwaheed Umar, described the governor as a pillar of democracy, saying Nigerians are watching his ordeal. Amaechi spoke Saturday in Port Harcourt while addressing a massive crowd of supporters from across Rivers State who staged a solidarity march to Government House following the Abuja court ruling.

     Bello had ruled on Monday that the Obuah faction of PDP in the state, backed by Wike, should be sworn in as a replacement for the serving state executive committee of PDP chaired by Chief Godspower Ake. The judge held that Obuah and Walter were the duly elected candidates at the state congress of PDP held on March 17 last year.

    While the Ake committee was loyal to Amaechi, the Obuah committee is believed to be sponsored by Wike, Amaechi’s erstwhile ally who is now widely suspected to be used by President Goodluck Jonathan to get even with the Rivers State governor. But Amaechi dismissed what he called an attempt to use the court against him as a defilement of the country’s justice system.

    Represented by his deputy, Mr. Tele Ikuru, Amaechi declared before the crowd of supporters Saturday, “I think as a nation one area we should not allow mud to go into is the judiciary. As a nation, one area we should not allow to become a thing of play is the judiciary. The temple of justice has been desecrated.

    NAFDAC steps up drug war among Ondo pupils

    The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control has taken its public enlightenment strategy for eradicating fake and substandard products from circulation to pupils in Ondo State.
    The agency, apart from establishing the NAFDAC Consumer Safety Clubs in schools, is also organising an annual secondary schools competition among pupils to further educate them about  drugs, packaged foods and beverages.

    The NAFDAC Coordinator in the state, Mr.Paul Agbejimi, while presenting awards to the winners of this year’s competition, on Wednesday, explained that the club created the forum for interacting with and educating pupils for the establishment of a culture of quality consciousness.
    He said through the activities of the club pupils would be exposed to information concerning drugs, foods and other health sensitive products.
    He said the programmes was also aimed at empowering the children to disseminate information on the dangers of fake drugs and substandard regulated products and NAFDAC regulatory activities.
    Agbejimi said the aim of the club was to inform and educate members towards collaborating with NAFDAC on safeguarding the health of the nation.

    Teachers threaten strike in 18 states


    Nigeria Union of Teachers has directed teachers in 18 states that have defaulted in the implementation of the 27.5 per cent salary increment to begin a stay-at-home strike from June 1. The union also urged the Federal Government to embrace peace and dialogue with Boko Haram in order to address the security problems in the country.

    This was contained in a communique signed by its President, Michael Olukoya; the Secretary-General, Obong I. J. Obong and National Publicity Secretary, Suleiman Gambari, after its National Executive Council meeting held in Asaba, the Delta State capital.

    The union said the strike was to force the defaulting states to urgently pay its members their teachers’enhance allowance and the N18,000 minimum wage. The states are: Benue, Cross River, Abia, Ebonyi, Enugu, Ekiti, Osun, Ogun, Oyo, Edo, Nassarawa, Zamfara, Plateau, Taraba, Borno, Kogi, Niger and Sokoto. “Such state wings are not allowed to suspend the strike until the demands are met or at the instance of the National Headquarters of the Union,” the NEC said.

    The umbrella body of teachers in Nigeria observed that education in Nigeria was currently on a dangerous precipice with insecurity of pupils and teachers. It also expressed fears that the scrapping of Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board and the National Examination Council would not be in the interest of the nation. The NEC-in-session resolved that “never has any nation subjugated or sacrificed its national interest to sub-regional or global slavery. “The NECO represents in Nigeria, the national and patriotic interest of both the teachers, the pupils and the parents under the exclusive control and determination of Nigerian government and people; such primary interest of Nigerians cannot be sacrificed for sub-regional interest of the West African Examination Council nor be allowed to suffer under the expediency of fiscal consideration. We cannot afford to cut our nose to spite our face.

     “The National Examination Council should remain as an alternative and competing examination body in Nigeria, subject however to possible re-organisation as to its efficiency and effectiveness to carry out its mandate. This also applies to the JAMB and its UMTE which is established to promote egalitarian admission policy in our universities. “The JAMB on its part must promote Nigerianness in its admission policy, by opening the doors of all universities in Nigeria to all Nigerian children without discrimination to any as its policy of ‘quota and catchment areas’ to the detriment of merit in admission policy.”

    Pres. Jonathan, Tony Blair at The Rock Cathedral opening ceremony


    President Goodluck Jonathan and former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair were among the dignitaries present today at the inauguration and opening ceremony of House on the Rock's new church building, The Rock Cathedral. President Jonathan seen above cutting the tape, flanked by Tony Blair and Senior Pastor of All House on The Rock, Pastor Paul Adefarasin.

    Nothing changes when nonentities run govt — Titi Oseni


    Hon. Titi Oseni emerged the first female speaker of the Ogun State House of Assembly in June 2003. That re-wrote her story. But she didn’t complete her tenure and by May 15, 2008 she was impeached. Again, that act re-wrote her story but no doubt, left a sour taste in her mouth.

    She recalls: “In the beginning, it was a shock to me because I thought we had a good relationship in the House and there was nothing that could have prompted me to think such a thing would happen. But as events began to unfold, I now saw that it was all about politics and had nothing to do with me in particular.

    I began to see the hand of Esau and the issue became clearer to me. “This was the real politics playing itself out and all the things that I had been doing before in the name of clean politics was not politics. It was all new to me and the best that I could do in that situation was just to remain calm, watch things unfold, people playing themselves out and left all to God.

    With the eventual outcome, I just pray that such events will not repeat again and even if it does, it should be in another dimension.” Not one to wallow in self pity or regret long-gone actions, the 47-year-old who is still an active member of the Peoples Democratic Party, still hopes to contest in the nearest future and participate in active politics.

    To her, life is all about challenges and she is capable of handling any challenges that may likely come her way. Now out of public service, the former speaker admits that life has been good to her. “I thank God for his mercies and, the journey so far has been good.

     Being a speaker was something that I really enjoyed. Even though I am no longer the speaker and don’t move around with the paraphernalia of the office, I remain myself. Anywhere I go now, people still recognise me as Titi Oseni, they see me for who I am and I am still accorded the respect and honour due to me. I now get to do the things that I would normally not do if I were still in office.”

     Formerly a business woman before she ventured into politics, the Abeokuta-born indigene is back to doing what she knows how to do best. “One can’t really leave the business world totally. Even though I am no longer into the importation of computers and fashion retailing, I have since gone into other lines of importation.” She reminisces about her growing up days which she says was fun. “My parents were average income earners and were both in the medical field.

    There are four from my mother’s side. I have four half siblings. People told me that I was spoilt growing because while growing up as the second to the last born from my mother, my father had calmed down a bit as he used to be very tough. Not that I didn’t go through the discipline process, but it wasn’t as much as the ones before me. I had a good life, and we never took church lightly. “My parents were involved in a lot of humanitarian services and this registered at the back of my mind, to continue to toe the path after them, which was what prompted me into politics in the first place.

    So when the opportunity came to offer myself for the State House of Assembly elections, I didn’t hesitate at all even though it was a different ball game from what my parents were doing then. But it did give me the opportunity to give back to society.” Ironically, she doesn’t consider her years as speaker of the Ogun State House of Assembly as her greatest achievement. Ask if she knew how dirty politics can be in Nigeria before her decision to be an active participant and she replies, “Well people say that politics is dirty but I believe if everyone sits back and allow nonentities and people of no colour to run government, to dictate, decide and make laws for you, then nothing will change.

    The laws that any fool makes will be respected by all. I know what I am made of and what I have to offer and I have seen what is on ground. “I believed that I could contribute my own quota to the development of Ogun State and the upcoming generation as well. When politics becomes dirty, of course you step back and allow it all to play itself out but when it has to do with what you have to offer, you step right back in.” Oseni who loves to unwind by travelling, listening to music and enjoying a day at the beach, believes that she is still young and has many more years ahead of her for great accomplishments. She says, “I believe that the glory of the latter days will be much more than the former. But I thank God for his mercies so far.” Quite homely, she considers her marriage and having children as the two most significant things that have come to shape her life. “Having been married for 22 years,

    I can comfortably advocate that marrying someone you call a friend and confidant can go a long way in what you become especially if you are married to someone who lets you be who you are or what you want to be. It helps to make marriage enjoyable. “On children, I think when you start raising children, how you act or behave plays a huge role in the way you want to mould your children.

    Children of these days are very outspoken and the things that you see and dare not ask your parents, they will boldly ask you. That shaped my life a bit because your expectations of them must be a reflection of who you really are.” A lover of jewellery and colourful fashion items, she considers style to be about one’s totality, how you want people to project you. “It isn’t all about clothing alone. But talking about clothes specifically, I don’t like flamboyance. I like to be simple and comfortable in what I wear. I like people to see me and know me for who I am rather than for flamboyance or what I have. I believe in what one is made of rather than what you have on,” she says.

    culled from

    Emenike eyes Europe


    Having been sidelined since he copped a hamstring injury against Mali at the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations, Emmanuel Emenike has surely missed football but he is optimistic he would be back in the news again after returning to training at his Russian club, Spartak Moscow.

    And the player is anxious to play in Europe’s continental competitions once more after a first taste with Spartak. “I can’t wait to return to the pitch. I have missed Spartak fans chants; they have been very supportive in my trying times and that is why I need to return to the team as soon as possible to pay them back with goals for their wonderful support. “I believe in my teammates and I am really impressed with what they did during my absence.

     Everybody is working hard towards securing a ticket for Europe. I think my return will boost the morale of the team,” Emenike said. Emenike first had a feel of European continental football in 2011, when Spartak crashed out of the Europa League in the qualification round against Polish side, Legia Warsaw.

    Babcock University releases school fees for next session. Students protest

     The university just released the school fees for the next session and some of the students feel its outrageous. See it below...
    1) Accounting- N1.5million
    2) Nursing- N1million
    3) Law- N2million
    4) Medicine- N3million
    5) Others- N860,000
    The students are scared to protest in their school because they could get suspended. Babcock is a Christian University and claims to be a non-profit organization, so students don't understand why they have to pay such huge amounts to school there. But here's my thing; complaining about the school fees of a private university is like complaining about the cost of a first class plane ticket. You have other options; business class, premium economy class, economy class. If this is too much for you, move to a federal school, state school or less expensive private schools. Not that I support these fees, I think it's ridiculous. You pay N3million a session to become a doctor and when you eventually get a job, you make less than N200 thousand a month...doesn't make much sense to me...but that's the way the school wants to operate. You either take it or leave it! What do you guys think?

    But meanwhile, is there anything the federal government can do for these students? Like, make their University bring down the fees?

    Photo: Obasanjo Showers HID Awolowo With Love


    Former president of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo showed a rare side of himself when he went to visit HID Awolowo at home during the burial ceremony of Oluwole Awolowo, one of the sons of late Obafemi Awolowo.

    Obasanjo was spotted as he hijacked the person pushing the deceased’s mother on a wheelchair. He also took on the honour to joyfully drive the aged woman around while greeting visitors who graced her son’s burial on Friday.

    Joke Silva Speaks On Marriage


    Joke Silva stated in a recent interview that Nollywood is not the only industry where divorce is rampant. It happens in every industry. She said a lot about it, read below; “Is the rate of divorce in Nollywood worse than in other industries? Have you taken a census of what is happening with lawyers, doctors and nurses? You don’t know.

    Everyone just blames the movie industry because we are the ones in the limelight. Long surviving marriage is not exceptional in this industry. The thing is that, we are the ones that people know. Sony Irabor and Betty; John Momoh and Shola; and Bayo Oduneye have been married much longer.

    What of the late Justus and his wife? We have marriages that have stood the test of time just like you will find in other professions. For me, since you love the person you get married to, both of you should work at it together. See it as your main responsibility once you get married.

     Even before you get married, you should ask yourself, am I capable of making this person my total responsibility? That, am I willing to dedicate my time to making this person happy? It is a two way thing; it is not only the woman that is supposed to make the man happy, it is also for the man to make the woman happy.

    It is the two of you together and when you do that, it will work out well. But if not, I don`t support emotional hardship just because you want to marry. God forbid bad thing! If it is not working, get out fast. If you don’t know where you are going, you should know where you are coming from.”

    Wednesday, April 17, 2013

    Blair: Nigeria Not Achieving Full Potential Due to Corruption, Lax Corporate Governance


    The Chairman and Founder of Omnia Strategy LLP, Mrs. Cherie Blair, Tuesday said the menace of corruption and lax corporate governance were currently hurting Nigerian companies and limiting the country's ability to achieve its full economic potential. She said a lot still needed to be done in terms of contract enforcement and strict adherence to the rules of business.

    Speaking in Abuja at the 10th Henshaw Private Equity Seminar on Private Equity and Policy tagged: 'Enabling Policies and Corporate Governance: Twin Levers for International Investment', Blair said the present culture of impunity even where rules are applied, was not only unacceptable but a disincentive for global private-equity investors hoping to explore emerging opportunities in the country. She said the best way to go was for government and companies to enact enabling policies to sincerely implement good corporate governance and punish infringements.

    Blair said it was not enough to merely investigate a wrongdoing without meting out appropriate sanctions to those who broke the rules regardless of who they are. She said although every country including the United Kingdom had had to fight corruption at various point in time, the approach in handling the menace was more critical. Omnia Strategy boss said the UK had to severally apply the full wrath of the law including outright confiscation of properties and imprisonment whenever there were infractions. While describing corruption as insidious, she said Nigeria had a commendable template for fighting the menace but implementation had often been a major concern. She said although widely regarded as Africa's powerhouse, where investors are looking forward to invest, the complication of cross-border business had necessitated the need for strict adherence to contracts with significant level of transparency. Blair also highlighted the imperativeness of creating incentives and reward system for good behaviour as well as transparency in handling issues. Her comments came on a day it was revealed that business executives now see the present insecurity as greatest challenge to doing business in the country more than the issue of corruption which had been in the front burner for decades.

    The survey, which was conducted by the NOI Polls also indicated that almost all business executives had affirmed that they had paid bribes at one time or the other to public officials in the course of business transactions. Chief Executive Officer of NOI Polls, Oge Modie, said during an Enabling Policies Panel session which was chaired by THISDAY Newspapers’ Editor, Ijeoma Nwogwugwu, that apart from insecurity, businesses were more concerned about smuggling, power, finance, corruption - situations which tend to suggest that Nigerians might have become accustomed to corruption. Modie said a comprehensive report on the study was expected to be made public soon.

     Also speaking at the occasion Tuesday, Minister of State for Power, Mrs. Zainab Kuchi, said the federal government had done all that needed to be done to encourage local and foreign investment in the power sector, particularly the renewal energy which she said would offer much cheaper electricity to Nigerians.

    Commedian Kevin Hart Arrested On Suspicion Of DUI


     It was a rough night for actor and comedian Kevin Hart, who was pulled over by the California Highway Patrol at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday after driving erratically (at a whopping 90 miles per hour) on the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles.

    According to the official report, police observed Hart’s black Mercedes-Benz SLS driving in and out of all lanes — and nearly colliding with a gas tanker truck — before conducting the enforcement stop. And that’s when things went from bad to worse for Mr. Hart. Because it didn’t take long for him to show visible signs of intoxication and fail the field sobriety tests.

    In fact, he took to Twitter to announce what happened on his own, tweeting, “When the cop asked me to take the sobriety test I said ‘WHY WASTE OUR TIME… I’M DRUNK MAN’… #TrueStory.” Apparently, the police agreed because authorities booked the “Think Like a Man” and “The Five-Year Engagement” star into jail and held him on a $5,000 bond for the misdemeanor. Which might be why Hart isn’t laughing now. Shortly after the tongue-in-cheek first tweet, Hart followed up with a more pensive thought. “On some real s**t….. drinking & driving is not a game or a laughing matter,” he wrote. “People have lost lives because of stupid s**t [like] this!” The Hollywood heavyweight continued, reflecting on how this mistake relates to his own life.

     “This is a wake up call for me, I have to be smarter & last night I wasn’t…. everything happens for a reason….” he mused. Hopefully this is a wake-up call indeed, as Hart is no stranger to the negative effects alcohol and drug abuse can have on lives. During his 2011 stand-up routine movie, “Laugh at My Pain,” the comedian revealed how his father’s drug addiction led to embarrassing behavior.

    US Supreme Court Backs Shell in Nigeria Human Rights Case


    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that federal courts do not have jurisdiction to hear lawsuits against foreign corporations accused of aiding in human rights abuses abroad. In one of its biggest human rights cases in years, the justices ruled unanimously that a federal court in New York could not hear claims made by 12 Nigerians who accused Anglo-Dutch oil company Royal Dutch Shell Plc of complicity in a violent crackdown on protesters in Nigeria from 1992 to 1995.

    The ruling is a major win for multinational companies, especially those involved in extractive industries, that do business in the developing world and become embroiled in local political controversies, reports Reuters. The ruling is likely to affect other cases, including those involving similar claims against Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto Plc over its conduct in Papua New Guinea, and against ExxonMobil Corp over its activity in Indonesia.

    Esther Kiobel, the named plaintiff in the Royal Dutch case and now a U.S. citizen, brought her lawsuit in 2002 on behalf of victims of the crackdown in Nigeria, including her husband, Barinem, who was executed in 1995. The Alien Tort Statute, a 1789 U.S. law, had been dormant for nearly two centuries before lawyers began using it in the 1980s to bring international human rights cases in U.S. courts. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion that a presumption against extraterritorial application of federal laws applies to the Alien Tort Statute.

    The court did not decide the question originally before it in the case: whether corporations can ever be liable under the statute. Although all nine justices agreed with the outcome, only four agreed with the chief justice's reasoning. Justice Stephen Breyer wrote a separate opinion in which he was joined by three other justices. Roberts wrote that "nothing in the text of the statute suggests that Congress intended causes of action recognized under it to have extraterritorial reach."

    He also said the ruling leaves open some lawsuits under the Alien Tort Statute, including against corporations, as long as there is a sufficient connection with the United States. The claims must have "sufficient force to displace the presumption" against extraterritorial application, he added. The case is Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co, U.S. Supreme Court, No. 10-1491. Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone provided by Airtel Nigeria.

    Okonjo-Iweala: 2013, A Game Changer for Nigeria

    The Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, said that 2013 is going to be a game changer and a turning point for the country.

    The minister, who said this on the Christiane Amanpour current affairs programme, “Amanpour” monitored on CNN Tuesday, said that the President Goodluck Jonathan administration was going to produce results this year, even as she pointed out: “We are already producing results within the administration.” Okonjo-Iweala added: “On the economic side, I just want to say that macroeconomic stability has been restored. Now, nobody should minimise that. “Remember there were the lost two decades in Africa, in the 80s and 90s, where there was instability such that people could not focus on areas that could create jobs. “Now things are turning right because we had growth of 6.5 per cent last year and we are projecting the same number this year, compared to the average five per cent in other African countries.”

     The minister however admitted the growth figure was intangible and could not be felt by the average Nigerian seeking employment and grappling with the challenges of insecurity and other vices in the country. “But I just want to add that when you mention GDP growth in my country, people will immediately say you can’t eat growth because we have challenges of unemployment, we need to create more jobs; we also have challenges of inclusion and there are problems of inequality, all those are challenges we face,” she said. The finance minister also called for the cooperation of the international community so that Nigeria could overcome the rising spate of oil theft. Okonjo-Iweala, who put the volume of oil stolen from the country daily at 150,000 barrels, expressed disappointment over the loss of revenue to the nation.

    According to her, “We are still a poor country, we cannot afford any leakage. Mexico and Nigeria have this problem but that of Mexico is much smaller. “But we also need international community to get involved. We have international people who buy this stolen oil and we need them to treat it as stolen crude just like you do with blood diamonds so that those people don’t have a market to sell the stolen oil.”

     Responding to a question on corruption, Okonjo-Iweala, who admitted that Nigeria does have a problem with corruption just like so many other countries, however noted that there are a lot of hardworking and honest Nigerians.

     “I don’t like the fact that when people mention Nigeria, the next thing they say is corruption. This is a country of 170 million people and 99.9 per cent of them are honest, hardworking citizens who just want to get on with their lives and they want a government that delivers for them. “We lack institutions, we lack processes. What President Jonathan has done is to call the judiciary, legislature and executive for the first time and say this is not about government but about all of us. The judicial process has to be strengthened,” she added.

    Tinsel stars, Chuks and Eneh wed. White wedding photo


    Tinsel stars, Iyke Okechukwu (Chuks) and Florence Uwaleke (Ene) got married today April 17th in Surulere Lagos. They already had their traditional wedding January this year.

     Chuks and Eneh play husband and wife in the very popular MNET TV series, Tinsel and now they are husband and wife in real life. The best form of life imitating art. Happy married life to them.

    Tuesday, April 16, 2013

    Arsenal's four-match winning run ended

    Arsenal's four-match winning run ended with a goalless draw against Everton, a result that did neither side much good in their Champions League quest.

    The Toffees, who were fortunate not to have Darron Gibson sent off, started brightly and went close through Steven Pienaar and the lively Ross Barkley.

     Olivier Giroud was wasteful for Arsenal, now two points clear of fifth-placed Spurs having played a game more. Giroud was denied by Seamus Coleman's clearance as Everton secured a point.

    The Toffees thoroughly deserved a draw in what was a fiercely contested encounter, and are now unbeaten in six league games.

    Bayern Munich win Bundesliga title in record time


    Bayern Munich remain on course to become the first German team to win a treble after thrashing Wolfsburg 6-1 to reach the domestic cup final. When already 3-1 up, striker Mario Gomez came off the substitute's bench to score a nine-minute hat-trick.

     Bayern Munich clinched the Bundesliga title with six games to spare - the quickest-ever triumph in German league history. Bastian Schweinsteiger scored the only goal of the game at Eintracht Frankfurt with a lovely back-heeled finish.

    Bayern have lost only once all season, conceding 13 goals, and have won all 11 games since the winter break. Defending champions Borussia Dortmund beat Augsburg 4-2 but are 20 points behind.

    How Fast Can You Run? Dubai Police Force Adds Lamborghini To Car Fleet

                 When will Nigeria get there?

    What do police officers in a city which is home to the world’s most-acclaimed 7-star hotel, the world’s tallest building and the largest shopping mall in the world hunt criminals in? A Lamborghini that’s what!

     As if Dubai is not crawling with enough over the top luxury facilities as it were, the city-state finally sealed its reputation as the number 1 luxury destination in the world when its Police department tweeted about its latest addition to the force’s fleet…a $500,000 Lamborghini!

    The car also has a maximum speed of 217 mph (349kph) and can accelerate from 0-60 mph (0-97 kph) in 2.9 seconds…a very handy fact seeing as 15% of traffic fines issued in Dubai are for driving at speeds in excess of 130 mph (209 kph.) In statement by the Police department, the force said the car, which bears the number 8 on a customized license plate, would be a step towards confirming the stature of Dubai as “a city of luxury in all of its facilities.”

    Odulade Adekola’s wife gives birth to baby boy



     This is certainly good news emanating from the household of popular Yoruba actor, Odunade Adekola. Adekola’s wife delivered a bouncing baby boy on Saturday April 13, in a high brow hospital in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

     The mother and child are said to be in good condition. Adeokola has since been receiving congratulatory messages from family and friends. The now father of three is very excited with the new addition to his family.

    Cardiff City promoted to the English Premier League


     Cardiff City will join fellow Welsh side, Swansea, in the EPL next season, after they got automatic promotion, following a goalless draw against Charlton Athletic.

     The Blue Birds, who have won 25 times this season, needed at least one point to guarantee their promotion exactly 50 years after they featured in the top flight. “I am lost for words right now. We thoroughly deserve that if I’m honest,”

    Cardiff defender Mark Hudson told BBC 5 Live Sport. “The consistency we’ve had this year, top since November, and now we’re promoted. We’ll celebrate now then go for that title.”

    Sunday, April 14, 2013

    Kanu writes off £3million Portsmouth debt

                                        Kanu Nwankwo
    Former Super Eagles striker Kanu Nwankwo, has written off Portsmouth debt to the tune of £3million, to help save the South Coast club. Kanu left Pompey in 2012 and reports at that time stated that he had opened a lawsuit against the club, to recover an estimated £3million he was owed, after a successful six-year stay, in which he scored the winning goal of the FA Cup final in 2008.

     However, the former Arsenal and Inter Milan man, has dismissed those stories and revealed he has written off the debt, to help the club, who has since dropped into the third tier of English football. “I can now reveal the story that has been around since I left Portsmouth,” he said. “I did not ask the club for millions of Pounds; I dropped the whole matter of wage money because I know the club has big problems.”

    Kanu has not played for another team since he left England and he has given a hint that it might be time to retire from the game.

    Shuaibu Amodu appointed as Nigeria’s technical director

                         Amodu Shuaibu

     The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), has appointed former coach of the Super Eagles, Shuaibu Amodu, as the country’s technical director.

     Amodu was in charge of the national team, when they qualified for the 2002 and 2010 World Cups, but was sacked on both occasions and never took the teams to the competitions. “I can confirm that we have been handed our letters of appointment by the Nigeria Football Federation,”

    James Peters confirmed in an interview with MTNFootball “I was appointed the assistant national technical director for youth and women development and will work with my boss Amodu Shuaibu, who was appointed the national technical director.”

     Kashimawo Laloko was also appointed as the assistant National technical director for youth development.

    Red Meat Chemical 'Damages Heart'


    US scientists claim red meat has dangerous chemicals

     A chemical found in red meat helps explain why eating too much steak, mince and bacon is bad for the heart say US scientists. A study in the journal Nature Medicine showed that carnitine in red meat was broken down by bacteria in the gut. This kicked off a chain of events which resulted in higher levels of cholesterol and an increased risk of heart disease. Dieticians warned there may be a risk to people taking carnitine supplements. There has been a wealth of studies suggesting that regularly eating red meat may be damaging to health. In the UK, the government recommends eating no more than 70g of red or processed meat a day - the equivalent of two slices of bacon. Saturated fat and the way processed meat is preserved are thought to contribute to heart problems.

    However, this was not thought to be the whole story. "The cholesterol and saturated fat content of lean red meat is not that high, there's something else contributing to increases in cardiovascular risk," lead researcher Dr Stanley Hazen told the BBC. Experiments on mice and people showed that bacteria in the gut could eat carnitine. Carnitine was broken down into a gas, which was converted in the liver to a chemical called TMAO. In the study, TMAO was strongly linked with the build-up of fatty deposits in blood vessels, which can lead to heart disease and death. Dr Hazen, from the Cleveland Clinic, said TMAO was often ignored: "It may be a waste product but it is significantly influencing cholesterol metabolism and the net effect leads to an accumulation of cholesterol. "The findings support the idea that less red meat is better. "I used to have red meat five days out of seven, now I have cut it way back to less than once every two weeks or so." He said the findings raised the idea of using a probiotic yogurt to change the balance of bacteria in the gut. Reducing the number of bacteria that feed on carnitine would in theory reduce the health risks of red meat.

     Vegetarians naturally have fewer bacteria that are able to break down carnitine than meat-eaters. Victoria Taylor, Senior Dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: "This is certainly an interesting discovery and sheds some light on why red meat might have an impact on heart health. "While the findings won't necessarily mean a change to existing recommendations, these scientists have served up a good reminder for us to think about alternative sources of protein if we regularly eat a lot of red or processed meats." Catherine Collins, a dietitian at St George's Hospital, said: "It's a very persuasive argument, but we know that eating a couple of portions of red meat weekly is of no risk, heart wise.

     "There's no need to change our dietary recommendations from this - a Mediterranean-style diet with modest meat, fish, dairy and alcohol intake, coupled with more pulses, vegetables fruits, wholegrains and mono-unsaturated fats, remains the nutritional blueprint for a healthy and healthful life. "But I would strongly recommend that unless you're a vegetarian or vegan, there is a potential risk from taking L-carnitine, lecithin, choline or betaine supplements in an attempt to ward off cognitive decline or improve fat metabolism. "If the evidence is confirmed these supplements would do more to damage arteries than provide health benefits."

    CBN governor advocates drug test for political office seekers

    Kano – The CBN Governor, Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, on Saturday advocated for drug test for all those seeking elective political office, to ascertain they were not drug addicts. Sanusi made the call in Kano at a three-day workshop on anti-substance abuse awareness campaign and train the trainers. The programme was organised by an NGO, “I CARE Women and Youth Initiative,’’ a pet project of the wife of the Vice President, Hajiya Amina Namadi Sambo.

                                                      Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

     ‘’Anyone who wants to contest for political office or seeking political appointment should be asked to go for drug test. ‘’If you are in drug you will not have the opportunity to be appointed in any position of authority in this country,’’ he said. Sanusi, who blamed the elite for the prevailing moral decadence in the society, said there was an urgent need to examine the entire value system in the society. ‘’Today we have created class even among our children and we give our children
    more money than they need and buy them expensive cars.    

       ‘’We see young boys and girls moving from one office to another looking for contracts and when they get the money they organise parties and spend the money any how,’’ he added. The CBN governor said governments should continue to create employment opportunities to check drug abuse and other social vices. The vice-president’s wife called on parents to monitor the activities of their children and the kind of company they kept. ‘’It is only by so doing that we can nip in the bud the early warning signs of drug abuse among our children. ‘’Unfortunately, Kano State is said to constitute majority of the 37.5 per cent of the total drug victims in the North-West Zone which ranks highest in the country. ‘’More worrisome is the fact that married women are said to be actively involved in the abuse of these substances with a high percentage of them discovered to be addicted to them,’’ she said.

    VIBE names R.Kelly the Greatest Musical Genius Since 1993

    In their '20 Greatest Musical Geniuses Since 1993' list which was released this week, Vibe Magazine gave R.Kelly the number spot. See the top 10 below and tell us if you agree...

    10. Missy Elliot
    9. RZA
    8. Thom Yorke
    7. Timbaland
    6. Jay Z
    5. Notorious B.I.G
    4. Diddy
    3. Dr Dre
    2. Kanye West
    1. R. Kelly

    God is watching you, Dino Melaye

    person wey wan die jam person wey go kill am

    Ikoyi Golf Club Van plunges into river in Lagos; four people missing

    A Hilux van belonging to the Ikoyi Golf Club with registration number KS918AU plunged into the Majidun River in the Ikorodu area of Lagos in the early hours of yesterday morning. Four people, including the Golf Club manager Mr Kolawole Ahmed, was in the van when the accident occurred around 5:30 am as they headed home from work.

    The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) officials and divers that conducted the search and rescue said they are yet to find survivors but will continue with the search.

    Saturday, April 13, 2013

    Music star Olamide looking dapper in suits and ties

    Late veteran actor Justus Esiri laid to rest

    The veteran actor who died on Friday February 19th was buried yesterday April 12th in Oria-Abraka, Delta State. RMD, Kanayo O Kanayo, Bob Manuel Udokwu and a few other Nollywood stars were at the burial. May his soul continue to rest in peace...Amen.