Sunday, April 14, 2013

CBN governor advocates drug test for political office seekers

Kano – The CBN Governor, Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, on Saturday advocated for drug test for all those seeking elective political office, to ascertain they were not drug addicts. Sanusi made the call in Kano at a three-day workshop on anti-substance abuse awareness campaign and train the trainers. The programme was organised by an NGO, “I CARE Women and Youth Initiative,’’ a pet project of the wife of the Vice President, Hajiya Amina Namadi Sambo.

                                                  Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

 ‘’Anyone who wants to contest for political office or seeking political appointment should be asked to go for drug test. ‘’If you are in drug you will not have the opportunity to be appointed in any position of authority in this country,’’ he said. Sanusi, who blamed the elite for the prevailing moral decadence in the society, said there was an urgent need to examine the entire value system in the society. ‘’Today we have created class even among our children and we give our children
more money than they need and buy them expensive cars.    

   ‘’We see young boys and girls moving from one office to another looking for contracts and when they get the money they organise parties and spend the money any how,’’ he added. The CBN governor said governments should continue to create employment opportunities to check drug abuse and other social vices. The vice-president’s wife called on parents to monitor the activities of their children and the kind of company they kept. ‘’It is only by so doing that we can nip in the bud the early warning signs of drug abuse among our children. ‘’Unfortunately, Kano State is said to constitute majority of the 37.5 per cent of the total drug victims in the North-West Zone which ranks highest in the country. ‘’More worrisome is the fact that married women are said to be actively involved in the abuse of these substances with a high percentage of them discovered to be addicted to them,’’ she said.

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