Friday, April 12, 2013

ACN mourns killing of its National Vice-Chairman

The Action Congress of Nigeria has expressed sadness over the murder of its National Vice Chairman and former Deputy Governor of Anambra State, Dr. Chuddy Nwike. The deceased who was kidnapped three weeks ago was killed by his abductors early this week. In a statement issued in Ibadan on Friday by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party wondered why its member was killed even after a ransom had been paid. It prayed that God will comfort the family of the departed and strengthen them to bear this unquantifiable loss. The party also appealed to the Federal Government to take a decisive action in order to end the worsening insecurity in the land. The statement said: “Dr. Nwike is the latest victim of this mindless act of kidnapping for ransom, which is fast deteriorating with the killing of innocent victims even after their families would have paid a huge ransom to secure their release.” “This senseless act has not spared anyone, high or low, male or female, rich or poor. The fact that it has continued unabated is a sad commentary on the state of security in our nation. It is high time the authorities acted to stamp out this heinous crime.” “It is the height of cruelty and represents a debasement of our collective humanity,” ACN decried.

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