Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rita Dominic: Don’t Let Your Boyfriend Take Your Nudé Pictures

Is it even right to have boyfriend or girlfriend in the first place?

The rate at which séx tapes and nudé photos of young ladies are floating online in recent times is quite alarming, to say the least. Some ladies, out of stupidity, do all sorts with guys they call their boyfriend, forgetting that one hot slap from that guy can end the relationship.

And once the fake relationship is over, the crazy guys post such nudé photos online…
It is against this back drop that actress Rita Dominic took to social networking site, Twitter, to sound this note of warning: 
“Dear young women of the world, no matter how in love you are. Please don’t let your boyfriend take nakéd photos of you. With wisdom.”
But the question is, will the wild ladies we have around today listen?

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