Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Aero Contractors Directs Dismissed Workers to Submit CVs for Re-assessment

The management of Aero Contractors Airline Tuesday directed its recently dismissed 1,000 members of staff to submit their curriculum vitae for assessment and possible re-absorption. This has disclosed in a letter signed by the airline's Managing Director, Mr. Obaro Ibru, to the Air Transport Senior Staff Services Association of Nigeria (ATSSSAN) in Ikeja. The letter stated that the re-assessment became necessary as part of the resolutions reached at a meeting convened by the Senate Committee on Aviation on March 28 in Abuja. The letter was also copied to the Chairman, Senate Committee, Minister of Aviation, State Controller, Ministry of Labour and the Managing Director of the Assets Management Company of Nigeria (AMCON). The letter with reference number FA/MA/HRD/L.0046/13 and dated April 2, was titled: “Resolution of the Senate Committee on Aviation: Ongoing Reorganisation Exercise of Aero Contractors.” The letter ordered the affected workers to return their dismissal letters by yesterday, adding that the salaries of the workers would be paid at the appropriate time. “All the affected members of staff have been formally communicated with and also notified that they are to undergo an assessment for a suitable role within the company as applicable. “The balance of their March 2013 salary payable to them will be credited to their salary accounts, respectively."

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